Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease with 2 major categories:

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). The main features of IBD include bloody diarrhoea and associated bodyweight loss. Classification is associated with the area of GI tract affected - UC involving the colon and rectum and CD affecting any part of the GI tract (mainly ileum and colon).

For simple, cost-effective assessment of efficacy in UC models, Axis Bio offers both acute and chronic DSS induced models in mice.

Experimental details:

  • Induction starts on day 1 with 3% DSS dosed in drinking water for 5 or 7 consecutive days. A recovery period of 7 days can then be adopted. For chronic disease a 7-day 2% DSS solution on/7-day DSS solution off approach is used for 3 cycles. Please note: experimental details can be altered for a bespoke design.
  • Disease progression occurs with animal bodyweight loss observed from day 2. Mice are monitored daily for the following:
    • Body weight loss
    • Stool consistency
    • Blood in stool
  • Dependent on study design/question to be answered the following end-points can be measured: 
    • Colon weight:BW
    • Colon length
    • Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity analysis
    • Histology
    • FACS analysis
    • QPCR analysis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Contact us today to get expert input into designing your acute or chronic IBD studies.